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About Jon

Jon is the Project Officer at the Government Outcomes Lab (GO Lab), where he coordinates a diverse portfolio of projects, ensuring research translates into meaningful impact.

Before joining the GO Lab, Jon completed a PhD at the Warwick Institute for the Science of Cities, University of Warwick, focusing on the democratic innovation of participatory budgeting and the use of digital tools. Alongside his PhD, he worked as a Research Assistant on a project applying Natural Language Processing (NLP) to enhance citizen participation in local government decision-making. Led by Professor Rob Procter and funded by the Alan Turing Institute and the EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account, the project explored how data and AI can strengthen public sector governance.

Beyond research, Jon has experience in teaching and policy. As a Course Demonstrator for the Social Informatics module, he led practical labs for undergraduate and master’s students. He also completed an internship with the House of Commons, where he worked as a committee specialist, advising on and leading inquiries. This internship was part of a joint initiative between the Political Studies Association (PSA) and the House of Commons Committee Office.