Clare joined the Government Outcomes (GO) Lab in March of 2017 having completed her Ph.D. and Master’s in Public Administration from North Carolina State University in 2016 and 2013 respectively. Her research focuses largely on performance measurement and management, information use in decision-making, innovation studies, and networks.
While completing her doctorate, Clare worked as a Research Scientist at SAS Institute where she contributed to a cross-disciplinary research team charged with improving youth outcomes by creating and evaluating innovative educational software; engaging with local community stakeholders; and collaborating with experts in student learning and well-being, community development, and public policy. She also provided domain and product management expertise in the creation of shared-measurement systems for collective impact initiatives throughout the United States as well as various mobile and web applications for local and international nonprofit organizations. In addition to her time in the tech industry, Clare has professional experience in two state agencies: The North Carolina Departments of Commerce and Environmental Quality.
Clare’s research has been published and presented in a range of journals and conferences including Disasters, The American Society for Public Administration, The Academy of Management, and The Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action.