Tanyah HameedResearch and Policy Associate, Government Outcomes Lab
Social impact investing,
Procurement and social value
Policy areas:
Health and wellbeing
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Social prescribing is gaining increased traction. The UK government recently announced the aim to provide universal access to social prescribing services by 2023. In this blog, Lorcan Clarke and Tanyah Hameed take a look at whether social prescribing has come of age. They share reflections from the recent King's Fund conference on social prescribing, and discuss key areas where targeted support can strengthen and scale up access.
On 6 November 2018 the King’s Fund, a health and social care think tank in the UK, hosted Social Prescribing: Coming of Age. Social prescribing is a way of supporting people’s health and wellbeing through non-clinical interventions, from yoga through to dance classes and gardening. In recent years, it has gained increasing traction in the UK. This is set to increase significantly following the publication of the recent UK government strategy on tackling loneliness, which commits to achieving universal access to social prescribing by 2023.
The conference looked at how social prescribing has come of age in the UK and what comes next. We argue that whilst there is a positive reception, social prescribing must be underpinned by evidence to ensure it is a sustainable and useful tool. Here are our three take away points.
1. Social prescribing gets a positive reception
The King’s Fund conference
brought together over 400 representatives from the public sector, academia, the
NHS and voluntary organisations. Among attendees, consensus seemed almost
universal on the potential of using social prescribing to address patient
recovery, health inequalities, silos between general practice and community
care, and easing demand on NHS services. According to James Anderson, Director
of Personalised Care at NHS England, 68,977 referrals to
social prescribing were made in the UK in 2017-2018. Half of Clinical
Commissioning Groups, which organise the delivery of NHS services in England, are
in social prescribing services.
Presentations from GPs
highlighted the added value social prescribing can bring to patients. They also
emphasised the need for an expansion of services to secondary care, simple
reporting, and more sustainable funding. Service users shared stories of how
they felt validated and empowered, and were keen to support social prescribing.
UK Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Matt Hancock, highlighted in
his conference speech a strong belief in the link between wellbeing and the
arts. There he announced new initiatives to connect local libraries to primary
care and social care services, as
implemented in Norfolk, and to use music to assist people with
dementia, as pioneered by Playlist for Life.
Mayor of London Sadiq Khan is
also a
supporter, as are other MPs across the country. Further plans presented
at the conference included: to incorporate social prescribing through greater
support to link workers, increased welfare and legal advice, a move towards
digital platforms, and more evaluation. Medical students, under the NHS England
Social Prescribing Student Champion Scheme, even suggest marking 14 March 2019 on
calendars for the first National Social Prescribing Day.
2. Social prescribing needs an accredited community of practice
Accreditation and coordination for professionals
leading on social prescribing activities is key to an effective national roll
out by 2023. NHS England is developing a Common Outcomes Framework for socially
prescribed interventions, while the Social
Prescribing Network are connecting professionals and creating a shared
community of practice. However, research suggests
that in some cases social prescriptions are not evidence based. This means that the impact of a socially prescribed activity on health and wellbeing is not known. Without knowing a prescription's expected impact, it is hard to evaluate the effectiveness of the social prescribing link mechanism. This is because the impact of the existence of a link mechanism cannot be separated from the impact of a prescribed activity. Only the combined impact of the link mechanism and social prescription can be evaluated and improved. Better links could lead to better outcomes overall. This makes
the case for implementing clear training and practice guidelines.
At present, the UK government’s
strategy to tackle lonelinesscalls
for regionalsteering groups,
best practice guidance and improved online resources. The UK Secretary of State for Health
and Social Care, Matt Hancock, stated in his conference speech that there will
soon be a National
Academy for Social Prescribing. These activities may address gaps in
guidance. One such gap is that the National Institute for Health and
Care Excellence (NICE) has no guidelines on social prescribing. We argue that
there is a need for an accredited framework or guidelines, which will facilitate
training of staff and support implementation for social prescribing programmes.
This will then build understanding on evidence based practices around social
3. Social prescribing needs a robust evidence base to be sustainable
The evidence base for social
prescribing is expanding, but proving an impact is key to it being a
sustainable policy tool. Recent evidence reviews, across several themes, highlight the challenge of clearly showing that social prescribing leads to
positive and replicable results (listed below). Discussions at Social Prescribing: Coming of Age highlighted that building
consensus on outcomes tracking and data sharing remains an iterative process. There
is also ongoing debate over the balance between focusing on quantitative data collection
(especially through randomised controlled trials) and longer-term, qualitative
stories of impact on patients’ lives.
Based on current policies, it is fair
to expect that the evidence base for social prescribing will improve and supporters
will continue to campaign. However, challenges to funding could put at risk the
voluntary, community and social enterprise-led activities that support social
prescriptions. Social prescribing cannot be decoupled from austerity measures
or a lack of response to calls to better fund public health interventions. Nor
can it be separated from the lack of evidence on the cost-effectiveness of social prescribing. This evidence could improve understanding of how to
maximise the value of available funding for social prescribing. It can ensure social
prescribing is a sustainable and impactful way to support peoples’ wellbeing. Without better information, it is harder to assume
that social prescribing has a sustainable future.
Is social prescribing here to stay?
Discussions and presentations at Social Prescribing: Coming of Age outlined clear aims to improve how people access support and care in the UK. Achieving universal access to social prescribing in the UK by 2023 will involve at least some innovation in areas where social prescribing is new. There are already efforts, either in planning or underway, that will support this innovation. We support accredited guidance and improved evidence on cost-effectiveness, as well as impact, to ensure that expansions are sustainable and that expected benefits are clear. This will allow social prescribing to truly come of age, as a reliable tool to improve health and wellbeing for the people who support, provide and receive social prescriptions.