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General overview

Stage of development: Complete

Policy sector: Poverty reduction

Date outcomes contract signed: Nov 2017

Start date of service provision: Nov 2017

Capital raised (minimum): USD 2.33m

Service users: 14k+


The Village Enterprise DIB microenterprise development program seeks to improve the income levels of 12,000+ extreme poor households in rural Kenya and Uganda by creating 4,000+ sustainable microenterprises. The Village Enterprise’s (VE) microenterprise development program delivers cash in the form of a cash grant as well as regular business mentoring and training, this approach is commonly known as a graduation Programme. There are 5 components to the Programme: targeting, business savings groups, training, seed funding and mentoring.

Target population

Individuals living in extreme poverty (less than $1.90 PPP per day) that have no experience of operating a business

The VE DIB is implemented in remote rural areas of Kenya and Uganda, East Africa where more than 50% of the population live in extreme poverty.

Poor households are identified using a hybrid combination of a community-based Participatory Wealth Ranking exercise and a survey using Grameen’s Progress Out of Poverty Index (PPI). Participatory Wealth Ranking uses consultations with community members, usually village elders, to identify the poorest households relative to the rest of the community. PPI attempts to establish a household wealth by using a simple questionnaire about household characteristics.



  • Kenya
  • Uganda

Service delivery locations

  • Kenya
  • Uganda

Outcome metrics

  • Present value of the household increase in consumption compared to the control group. The present value is calculated based on the increase in monthly consumption per household compared to the control group. Consumption is defined as the sum of household food and beverage consumption, household recurring consumption, and household infrequent consumption.
  • Present value of the household increase in net assets compared to the control group The present value is calculated based on the household increase in net assets stock compared to the control group. Net assets are defined as net household assets (i.e. household savings and tangible household assets, net of household liabilities) plus net business assets (i.e. business savings and tangible business assets, net of business liabilities), accounting for business ownership by the household. No distinction between productive and non-productive assets is drawn; business assets are collected separately because VE specifically promotes the creation of multi-member businesses.

SyROCCo reports

The following articles are taken from the Systematic Review of Outcomes Contracts Collaboration (SyROCCo) Machine Learning tool.

The tool is a collaboration between the Government Outcomes Lab and machine learning experts from the University of Warwick, that allows you to navigate and explore data extracted from nearly 2000 academic and grey literature publications related to outcomes-based contracting.

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