| SOC22 | Deep Dive: Wider well-being through public procurement
On the first day of the Social Outcomes Conference 2022, we held a deep dive session on achieving well-being through public procurement.
On the first day of the Social Outcomes Conference 2022, we held a deep dive session on achieving well-being through public procurement.
On the first day of the Social Outcomes Conference 2022, we held a deep dive that looked at ways in which central governments can support local institutions to help (re)build local governance capacity.
On the first day of the Social Outcomes Conference 2022, we held a deep dive session that explored some ways to unlocking investment for outcomes-focused social programmes.
This working paper seeks to bring lessons from other forms of results-based finance and early thinking from SOC practitioners into a conceptual framework for use by researchers and evaluators, practitioners and governments..
Explore our in-depth collection of case studies on impact bonds and other outcomes-based approaches around the world.
This report offers an overview of the existing empirical literature on environmental OBC, and a summary of key findings from across the evidence, including the challenges and successes of project implementation and some indications of the environmental ou
The INDIGO Impact Bond Dataset is the most comprehensive publicly available dataset on impact bond projects. This report provides headline insights and analysis based on the dataset, offering an accessible overview of the global landscape.
This case study reflects on the experience of the ‘In Their Hands’ (ITH) project, the world’s first Development Impact Bond (DIB) with a focus on adolescent sexual and reproductive health.
This report outlines the findings of an evaluation of the Aspire program and social impact bond (SIB) in Adelaide, South Australia (SA).
We have a range of guidance to support you develop impact bonds, from setting and measuring outcomes, to awarding the contract and pricing outcomes.
This report presents a list of upcoming outcomes projects and funds that are being designed in low and middle income countries.
This report is the first in-depth review of the North-West London Telemedicine Project as part of the Commissioning Better Outcomes Evaluation.
This report is the first iteration of an evaluation by EY of the Foyer Central Programme, funded through the Foyer Central Social Impact Bond
This report is the second year interim evaluation report of Chances project.
New to outcomes-based contracting and social impact bonds? Discover the basics about these innovative approaches to the provision of public services.
This is the interim report from the evaluation of the Parent Child+ programme’s delivery in England. The programme runs for about 15 months and consists of 46 weeks of twice-weekly visits (92 visits).
This report is the third Update Report of the independent Commissioning Better Outcomes Fund Evaluation, undertaken by Ecorys in partnership with ATQ Consultants.
This report has been written by Big Society Capital to share data and insights on the Social Outcomes Contracts (SOC) market in the UK over the last ten years.
This report provides an assessment of the total public value so far created by Social Outcomes Contracts in the UK
Want to know more about the state of play of impact bonds? Explore our global interactive map to find out data on impact bonds in their various stages of development and policy areas.
Skill Mill offers an intensive six-month work experience programme designed to help vulnerable young people break the cycle of re-offending. This report is an interim evaluation of the Skill Mill SIB.
Read the Government Outcomes Lab and CIPFA’s report on the advances in pharmaceutical and carbon pricing, which seeks to explore transferrable insights for financing social outcomes amidst heightened uncertainty and budgetary pressures.
This is the Interim Report for the evaluation of the Resolve Social Benefit Bond which provides an innovative mental health service which blends psycho-social and clinical services to support people living with severe and persistent mental health issues